

St. Nicholas is situated on the Kenai Peninsula in Nikolaevsk. Seven miles east from Anchor Point. It is a small community of mostly made up of Russian Old Ritualists and Staroveri. The church follows the Old-Rite liturgical calendar.

Vespers start at 6:00 p.m. Matins 7:30 p.m.

Liturgy is at 8 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays as well as all major feast days.

Services are held in Church Slavonic, singing is unison Znamennoe Proper and Demestev.

Иссториа ☦ History

We are a religious people with a Russian heritage. Who celebrate the baptism of Kievan Rus by Prince Vladimir. We also venerate all the saints and martyrs before and after the rise of Byzantium empire. We refuse to accept the liturgical reforms introduced by Patriarch Nikon (1666-1667) under the reign of Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich Romanov (1645-1676). Who attempted to erase the "mistakes" in the Slavonic divine service books in accordance with their modern Greek counterparts. In addition to the inaccuracies of the translation from Greek to Russian, done centuries ago. The Greek church also injected new Liturgical innovations without councils. In collusion with the establishment and a good dose of pride. Pride of Alexi's ambitions were to become the new tsar of Constantinople and unite the east and the west churches. The tsarist establishment deemed all unreformed texts heretical and whom ever follows the dogmas of old are "heretics" and were anathematize. Along with anathemized were centuries of Christians, saints, monastics and martyrs. The persecutions spread like wildfire, then genocide and many died. The number is estimated is in the millions but ultimately unknown.

During the cleansing many fled away from epicenter of Moscow in three directions. One to the east towards Siberia. The second to south west towards Romania and Bulgaria. The third to the south towards Krasnodar regions and beyond. This cataclysmic event spawned the heresy of "priestless"; at its core is a notion that all the priests were killed during the cleansing. The apostolic church has ceased to exist. We are living in the end times. This concept pins them directly against the promise of Jesus: "I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18).

The constant persecution and hostilities by the establishment forced Staroobrasty into undeveloped areas. Where they quietly continued to rebuild their broken house. When threats, hostilities and intrusion arrived they would move further in to the wild and rebuild. Hostilities were suspended in the 1905 by Tsar Nicholas II. Giving way to "The Golden Age of the Old Faith" where they could assemble and create their own institutions. In 1917 with the Bolshevik revolution it all came to an abrupt end.

Atheistic Soviet ideology pushed some of them out of Siberia in to China. There they lived for a generation in China, Manchuria making an oasis on the desert steppe. This was achieved through unity and firm reliance on Providence. Once the communist ideology and its violent opposition towards religion pinned them against the faithful. It set these people to seek refuge to the four corners of the world.

The refugees went to South America, North America and Australia. Under the John F. Kennedy administration the Russian nationals were able to "legally" immigrate into United States and settled in Willamette valley Oregon. During the social revolution of the late 60s a small group left Oregon in an attempt to preserve their mid-17th century core cultural values and settled in what is now Nikolaevsk. This endeavor was made possible by the Tolstoy Foundation. These Russians on the Kenai Peninsula trace their ancestry back to the people who fled east to Siberia during the mid 17th century.

An official apology from the established New-Rite church issued in 1975 along side a few meaningless gestures. However the oppression still continues. As the victors choose to erase Old Ritualism, label us schismatics and whitewash the history of Roskol.

In the early 80's a small group with in the community rediscovered the Old Rite faith. Two groups went to Romania twice visiting Belokinitskaya Hierarchy. The first trip was an investigatory trip with a small group. The second trip was a larger group, who were baptized, married, ordained clergy; relinking the community back Apostolic Church. When the newly ordained priest returned form his seminary, then began the baptizing of the rest of the parishioners.



Belokrinitskaya Metropolia of all Old-Rite Orthodox Christians. They are mostly active in Eastern Europe. The most apostolic organization of the Old Ritualists in the world.


The most active hierarchy within Old-Rite Orthodoxy. They have active missions in Africa and Middle East. Building and restoring churches all over Russia.

Russian Faith

Current events, information and resources within various denominations of OldRitualists and their global communities.